Fishing on the Vesdre River
"The River Vesdre is sometimes a ravine, often a garden, but always a paradise!" - Victor Hugo
Fishing in the sub-basin of our river, the Vesdre, meets with resounding success for the tourists that come (sometimes from a very long way) to see our region, as well as its inhabitants.
The sub-watershed of the Vesdre includes several fishing areas, run by many fishing associations, in particular the Ligue Royale des Pêcheurs de l'Est (LRPE) and the Royale Association des Pêcheurs de Pepinster (RAPP):
- La The LRPE runs the area on the River Vesdre that covers Baelen, Limbourg and Verviers as well as several fishing ponds (Mangombroux, etc.), totalling 16.6 km of zones open to fishing.
- LA The RAPP runs the area on the River Vesdre and River Hoëgne in Pepinster and the "Doux Fonds" fishing pond.-
- Lastly, if you also want to discover the fishing areas located between Verviers and Nessonvaux, which belong to the Royale Association des Pêcheurs de Pepinster, there is now a joint fishing pass thanks to "the LRPE/RAPP partnership", allowing enthusiasts to enjoy no-kill fishing on the River Vesdre areas run by both societies for € 100 per year (instead of € 125 for the full passes).
To ensure that you can fish in total safety and calm, you are requested to bring with you your Walloon Region fishing permit as well as either the LRPE permit or the RAPP permit, or both depending on the place where you wish to fish. All these permits can be bought from the Pays de Vesdre Tourist Information Office!
Info visit
Fishing on the Vesdre is permitted from the 1st Saturday of March to 30 September.