
New Verviers biography – volume 1 (in french)


(Just in French)

The first volume of the Nouvelle Biographie Verviétoise contains biographical notes on exceptional Verviétois and Disonais, and the Comité Scientifique d’Histoire Verviétoise has chosen to include Dison in this biographical dictionary, as it is obviously an integral part of the Verviétoise conurbation.
To volume 2. To volume 3. To volume 4.

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Who are the personalities featured in the Verviers biographies? The choice was based on precise criteria: to have been born in the Verviers conurbation (Verviers and Dison) or to have carried out significant activities there, and to have died. However, the authors have shown common sense by making a few exceptions to this last rule.

Discover emblematic personalities such as great industrial families, politicians, artists and sportsmen and sportswomen, as well as extraordinary personalities such as rockers, pigeon fanciers, antique dealers, fortune-tellers and many others.

Consult all the publications and find other Verviers biographies online via the Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Vesdre shop: https://www.paysdevesdre.be/en/e-shop/

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